How You Can Help
Report a Bird Collision
If you observe a bird collision or encounter a dead bird on Yale’s campus or in the greater New Haven area, please report it! This data is very helpful for identifying problematic buildings and facades.
Become a Volunteer Collision Monitor
In fall 2022 and spring 2023, we plan to conduct systematic carcass surveys on Yale’s campus to gather data on bird collisions. This data will inform our mitigation action plan. We are looking for volunteers to help monitor specific areas of campus for birds dead or injured due to collisions. Please email us if you’re interested in joining our volunteer monitoring team!
Salvage a Dead Bird for the Yale Peabody Museum
In addition to reporting collision victims, please consider collecting dead birds you encounter and donating them to the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History’s ornithological collection. Preserved museum specimens are used for research and education. Instructions are available here:
Report a Building
If you know of a building on Yale’s campus that is experiencing frequent bird collisions, please let us know. We are compiling a list of buildings that are contributing significantly to bird mortality on campus, and are eager to hear from you.
Safeguard Your Windows for Birds
Almost half of the birds that die due to window collisions in the U.S. hit the windows of homes. There are many solutions available to homeowners who wish to make their windows safer for birds. American Bird Conservancy maintains a database of bird-saving products and solutions: